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中国重要时政术语英译报告(2019年度)- 文化领

2020-10-09 10:51作者:佚名

中国紧张时政术语英译讲述(2019年度)- 文明范畴_瑞科上海翻译公司

  文明范畴 Culture

  1. 举旗号、聚民意、育新人、兴文明、展形象
  to uphold socialism rally public support foster a new generation of people with sound values and ethics develop Chinese culture and build a good image of China
  2. 中华优异传统文明传承开展工程
  programs to carry on the best of Chinese cultural traditions and heritage
  3. 大众文明服务体系扶植
  to improve public cultural services
  4. 中国特征社会主义文明开展途径
  a path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics
  5. 根本治理、守正翻新
  to tackle problems at their roots keep to the right path and make innovations
  6. 培养跟践行社会主义焦点价值观
  to cultivate and promote the socialist core values
  7. 坚决文明自傲讲好中国故事
  to build stronger cultural confidence and tell true stories about China
  8. 鞭策社会主义文艺繁华开展
  to promote socialist literature and art to flourish
  9. 不休晋升国际流传才能跟程度
  to improve China’s capacity for engaging in international communication
  10. 世界一流、存在壮大综合实力的国际流传机构
  a world-class international communication organization with strong comprehensive strengths
  11. 向世界先容新期间的中国
  to present China in the new era to the international audience
  12. 展示真实、平面、周全的中国
  to present a true multi-dimensional and panoramic view of China
  13. 文明振兴
  cultural revitalization
  14. 正视汗青、研讨汗青、鉴戒汗青
  to attach importance to history earnestly study history and learn from history
  15. 深刻掌握人类开展汗青纪律
  to have an in-depth understanding of the laws governing human development
  16. 所有造诣皆归功于人民,所有光彩皆归属于人民
  All achievements are attributed to the people and all glory belongs to the people.
  17. 为期间画像、为期间立传、为期间明德
  to depict our times record our times and promote values of ourtimes
  18. 保持与期间同措施
  to keep pace with the times
  19. 保持以精品贡献人民
  to present top-notch works for the people
  20. 保持以明德引领风俗
  to guide social morality with good virtues
  to guide social conduct with good virtues
  21. 齐媒体流传系统
  all-media communication system
  22. 鞭策媒体融会开展
  to promote integrated media development
  23. 构建齐媒体流传格式
  to build an all-中国重要时政术语英译报告(2019年度)- 文化领media communication pattern
  24. 亚洲文化对话大会
  Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations
  25. 2019年中国北京世界园艺博览会
  International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing China
  26. 白色资源
  sites and heritage related to CPC history
  27. 增强互联网内容扶植
  to provide more andbetter online content
  28. 树立收集综合治理系统
  a system for integrated internet management
  29. 营建明亮清明的网络空间
  to ensure a 中国重要时政术语英译报告(2019年度)- 文化领 clean and healthy cyberspace
  30. 冰墩墩/雪容融
  Bing Dwen Dwen / Shuey Rhon Rhon
  31. 同享奥运
  inclusive Olympic Games
  32. 开放奥运
  open Olympic Games
  33. 耿介奥运
  clean Olympic Games
  34. 第七届甲士运动会
  The 7th CISM Military World Games
  35. 多元文明交相辉映
  Diverse cultures add radiance and beauty to each other.
  36. 护卫、传承、发扬黄河文明
  to protect inherit and carry forward the Yellow River culture
  37. “两岸一家亲”
  We people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of one family.
  38. 追梦人
  dream chasers
  39. 只争朝夕,不负年光光阴
  to seize the day and live it to the full
  (Beijing Tianjin Hebei are like) different petals that belong to the same flower
  41. 爱国主义精力薪火相传
  The spirit of patriotism is handed down from one generation to the next.
  42. 爱国爱澳成为齐中国重要时政术语英译报告(2019年度)- 文化领社会的焦点代价
  Loving the country and loving Macao have become the core values of the Chinese residents in Macao.
  43. 爱国爱澳焦点代价正在澳门社会居于主导地位
  The core value of “Loving the country and loving Macao” has occupied adominant position in the Macao society.


